Summary note of the RR3 Future Regime Design SIG meeting
20 January 2023
Summary note of the RR3 Future Regime Design SIG meeting
2 September 2022
Effective point-of-arrest diversion for children and young people
The evidence review has been written by the team at the Centre for Justice Innovation. It evidences that point-of-arrest youth diversion is a better way of addressing low-level criminal behaviour. Moreover, in line with the Youth Justice Board’s ‘Child First’ strategy, point-of-arrest youth diversion is vital to the prioritisation of the child’s needs, enabling a fairer youth justice system.
Clinks response: The Justice Committee inquiry on the role of adult custodial remand in the criminal justice system
Clinks submitted a response to the Justice Committee's inquiry on the role of adult custodial remand in the criminal justice system.
Annual report & financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022
The trustees present their annual report and the audited financial statements
Procedural justice in the courts
Dr Amy Kirby and Professor Jessica Jacobson examine the evidence base for procedural justice in the courts. They consider
the emerging research on procedural justice in the courts and provide examples, drawn from their own empirical studies,
of how procedural justice may be achieved in practice in the courts.