Notes from the Residential Women’s Centres draft specification event
Clinks facilitated an event on behalf of the Ministry of Justice to update the voluntary sector working in criminal justice about the plans for the Residential Women’s Centre (RWC) pilots announced in the Female Offender Strategy.
Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on domestic abuse
Our response outlines the link between women experiencing domestic abuse and having contact with the criminal justice system.
HM Government's consultation on transforming the response to domestic abuse
Clinks has responded to HM Government’s consultation on transforming the response to domestic abuse
Angelou centre
Supporting black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence
Barnardo's domestic violence protection project
Barnardo’s works directly with over 200,000 children, young people and their families every year.
The Home Office consultation - Strengthening the law on domestic abuse
Clinks has submitted a brief response to the Home Office’s consultation entitled ‘strengthening the