Maternal imprisonment
This evidence review by Dr Lucy Baldwin, Senior Lecturer and researcher at De Montford University, reviews the current evidence base of maternal imprisonment and the impact of this imprisonment on the children affected.

Supporting families of people in prison and on probation
This evidence review by Jane Dominey, Sophie Ellis and Caroline Lanskey from the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, reviews the current evidence base on the impact of criminal justice involvement on the families of people in prison and on probation.

Time to invest in families
Representation to the Spending Review September 2021

A window of opportunity
Understanding the needs and experiences of pregnant women and new mothers in contact with the criminal justice system in the community in England

Notes from the Residential Women’s Centres draft specification event
Clinks facilitated an event on behalf of the Ministry of Justice to update the voluntary sector working in criminal justice about the plans for the Residential Women’s Centre (RWC) pilots announced in the Female Offender Strategy.

RR3 Special Interest Group on Commissioning Family Services: How to improve commissioning
Lessons learned from the commissioning of prison family services