Age UK Wakefield
Age UK Wakefield District is a local independent charity working with and for older people across Wakefield District.
We promote the wellbeing of all older people and aim to help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We also aim to influence the way people think about ageing and the valuable contribution older people make to society.
As a local partner of Age UK Wakefield District, we aspire to work in local partnerships to deliver services appropriate to community needs.
Age UK Wakefield District has a:
• Staff team of 90 who deliver and support services to older people
• Volunteer team of 160+, in more than 200 volunteering roles, who work closely with staff to ensure that all services are effective, professional and friendly
• Board of Trustees who work closely with senior staff to offer support, expertise and guidance in the strategic and business planning of the organisation
We promote the wellbeing of all older people and aim to help make later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We also aim to influence the way people think about ageing and the valuable contribution older people make to society.
As a local partner of Age UK Wakefield District, we aspire to work in local partnerships to deliver services appropriate to community needs.
Age UK Wakefield District has a:
• Staff team of 90 who deliver and support services to older people
• Volunteer team of 160+, in more than 200 volunteering roles, who work closely with staff to ensure that all services are effective, professional and friendly
• Board of Trustees who work closely with senior staff to offer support, expertise and guidance in the strategic and business planning of the organisation
Primary Field of Work
Advice & advocacy
People you work with
Racially minoritised people
Ex-service personnel
Faith groups
Foreign nationals
Gypsies & Travellers
Older people
People with disabilities
People with English as a second language
Refugees & asylum seekers
Roma people
People convicted of sexual offences