Career Connect
Career Connect is a charity whose core business is the provision of all-age careers information, advice, guidance and support. We enable people to make realistic choices, based on sound information, to help them achieve their potential in learning, training and employment. Established in 2001, we deliver services across NW England providing: The National Careers Service across NW NOMS CFO Evolution contract for NW of England through our wholly owned subsidiary Achieve. We deliver a programme that prepares and supports offenders into employment with a 32% sustained outcome rate. Careers information, advice and guidance services for young people (formerly badged as Connexions) across Greater Merseyside and Salford. Unlocking Potential social impact bond funded programme to support 4200 young people with behavioural, moderate mental health and wellbeing issues prepare for and enter the world of work. We also have staff embedded in Trouble Families teams and an adviser in Hindley YOI.