The latest views and discussion from Clinks staff and guest writers. We also use blogs to give short updates on our latest projects, as well as briefings on topics of interest to members.
The value of lived experience and diversity in our trustee board
Joni Emery explains Clinks’ recent process of recruiting new trustees to our board, and our work to ensure that racially minoritised people, people with lived experience of the criminal justice system and people under 30 were represented.
Taking a look at the Probation Service’s Regional Reducing Reoffending Plans
This blog summarises the Regional Reducing Reoffending Plans produced in August 2021 by the 12 Regional Probation Directors. It also looks at how voluntary organisations can play their part in helping to define and strengthen probation strategies at a regional level.
State of the sector 2021 survey: why your response matters
We have launched this year's State of the sector survey. Help us build on last year's evidence and identify changes and challenges for the sector. Your answers will help us to advocate on your behalf and prioritise our work so that we can meet your needs.
The Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme in action: Northamptonshire
Third and final blog in a series on the Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme, this piece by Clinks and Nacro looks at the Northamptonshire CSTR site to learn how they became a CSTR site, their learnings, and how service users benefit from this change.
Grant funding to improve prison leavers’ outcomes - the Local Leadership and Integration Fund
London Development Officer Tiegan Mercer outlines details of the Local Leadership and Integration Fund – a Ministry of Justice grant funding scheme to support the development of locally-led pilots to improve outcomes for prison leavers.
An independent review of the probation Dynamic Framework
Richard Oldfield recommends that there should be a large-scale adoption of grants as the funding mechanism for some of the services; simplification of contracts; and a system which obliges large entities to include more specialised smaller organisations in their bids.
The Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme in action: Plymouth
Second in a series of blogs on the Community Sentence Treatment Requirements (CSTR) programme, this blog by Clinks and Nacro looks at the Plymouth CSTR site to learn how they became a CSTR site, their learnings, and how service users benefit from this change.
What's New
Who are The Worshipful Company of Weavers?
Ahead of January's landmark summit - 'Justice and Women: A New Direction' - hosted by Clinks & The Worshipful Company of Weavers, this blog takes a look at the Company's work funding innovative criminal justice initiatives.
Working with young adults in contact with the criminal justice system - A review of the evidence
Gemma Buckland from the Transition to Adulthood Alliance, looks at the body of evidence on the maturation process and best practice in working with young adults.
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The role is for a leader from an organisation focused on racially minoritised people, with expertise in service delivery, policy, advocacy, or related areas in criminal justice. Racial disparities are present at every CJS stage. This role ensures these voices are central in shaping policy to help address and eradicate them. Apply by Mon 18 Nov, 10am. More info: #CriminalJustice #RR3 #RacialEquity