Ministry of Justice grant funding for women's services - what you need to know
Olivia Dehnavi, Clinks Senior Policy Officer, outlines how women's voluntary sector organisations can apply for grants for women's services as part of the Ministry of Justice's £24 million investment to support women in or at risk of contact with the criminal justice system.
Taking a look at the Probation Service’s Regional Reducing Reoffending Plans
This blog summarises the Regional Reducing Reoffending Plans produced in August 2021 by the 12 Regional Probation Directors. It also looks at how voluntary organisations can play their part in helping to define and strengthen probation strategies at a regional level.
The latest on the Female Offender Strategy: prison expansion vs community solutions
Clinks is highly disappointed in the plans to expand the women’s prison estate with an additional 500 places to be built into existing prisons. The decision contradicts the intentions of the government’s female offender strategy.