RR3 special interest group on effective care and support for people at risk of suicide and self-harm in prison
Recommendations for change
This Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group (RR3) Special Interest Group met twice in late 2016 to discuss how to provide effective care and support for people at risk of suicide and self-harm when entering prison, in prison and on release. The group explored the role and contribution of the voluntary sector in providing care, and the challenges and barriers to effective care and support. The group was sponsored by Linda Bryant, RR3 member and Manager of Criminal Justice Services at Together for Mental Wellbeing.
The group makes the following recommendations to voluntary organisations, the Ministry of Justice and other relevant stakeholders:
- Resurrection not innovation
- Effective care and support is cost effective
- Every contact (and every relationship) counts
- Support is vital throughout a prisoner's journey
- Anyone can be 'at risk'
- Prison staff require better support
- Voluntary organisations are a key partner in keeping people safe
- Formal accountability is essential
- Governors should be given positive incentives.
Publish date
1 February 2017