RR3 Special Interest Group on Commissioning 2023-2024: Recommendations Paper
We are pleased to publish a recommendations paper from the RR3 Special Interest Group on Commissioning.
This paper is being published following an interim update published in January 2024, as part of the work of the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group.
The final session of the SIG on Commissioning focused on practical recommendations to be considered by HMPPS ahead of the upcoming re-tendering of the Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS). These recommendations are based on the findings from the Group’s previous session and are focused on the following areas:
- Communication between relevant stakeholders
- Reducing dependencies/demand on probation
- Incorporating smaller, specialist providers into the commissioning process
- Developing a robust outcomes framework
- Catering for an increased demand on services
- Supporting people with complex needs, enabling service user involvement and ensuring person-centred services.
Publish date
21 June 2024