1) The rehabilitation of ex-offenders and the prevention of crime and anti social behaviour, in particular but not exclusively, by:
A) Facilitating their integration and constructive engagement in society;
B) The provision of support, information and advocacy for ex-offenders, those at risk of offending and the victims of crime; and
C) The promotion and development of best practice models of integrated offender management.
2) The promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.
A) Facilitating their integration and constructive engagement in society;
B) The provision of support, information and advocacy for ex-offenders, those at risk of offending and the victims of crime; and
C) The promotion and development of best practice models of integrated offender management.
2) The promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit by preventing people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society.
Help Line No.
0800 917 5579
Work Tel. No.
In Brief
Charity Number
No. of Paid Staff
No. of Volunteers
Does the organisation involve volunteers with experience of the criminal justice system?
Primary Field of Work
Liaison and diversion
Custody or Community
Organisation type
Voluntary and Community Sector
East | East Midlands
Fields of Work
Advice & advocacy | Attitudes, thinking and behaviour | Case management | Collaboration and partnership working | Commissioning | Counselling | Domestic & sexual violence | Employment | Evaluation and effectiveness | Family support | Finance, benefits & debt | Housing & homelessness | Lived experience involvement | Mental health | Mentoring & befriending | Neurodiversity | Prisons | Relationships | Research & academia | Resettlement | Sentence management | Sex work | Through the gate | Visitors centre
Bedford | Peterborough | The Mount