
Beyond Recovery provides a cost-effective, evidence-based intervention enabling people in prison to uncover their innate mental well-being and improve their mental health and behaviour in prison. This enables them to have a stronger sense of purpose and to live a more satisfying and law-abiding life on release. We are committed to growth and impact through empowering prisoners to help themselves and each other through our Apprentice programs and Academy.
Post COVID-19 we have developed a Remote Service including Self-Study material, guided DVD’s and facilitator guided one-to-ones for prison residents. Online mentoring and guidance for our returning residents and their families in the community. And a community voluntary organisation led by people with lived experience.
Impact is achieved through personal realisation, or insight. Outcomes include significant increase in mental wellbeing, purpose in life and pro-social behaviour, and decrease in violence.
Post COVID-19 we have developed a Remote Service including Self-Study material, guided DVD’s and facilitator guided one-to-ones for prison residents. Online mentoring and guidance for our returning residents and their families in the community. And a community voluntary organisation led by people with lived experience.
Impact is achieved through personal realisation, or insight. Outcomes include significant increase in mental wellbeing, purpose in life and pro-social behaviour, and decrease in violence.
C/O The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road,
West Midlands,
B13 8JP,
United Kingdom
Work Tel. No.
01788 315694
In Brief
Charity Number
No. of Paid Staff
No. of Volunteers
Does the organisation involve volunteers with experience of the criminal justice system?
Primary Field of Work
Attitudes, thinking and behaviour
Custody or Community
Organisation type
Community Interest Company
East Midlands | London | West Midlands
Fields of Work
Attitudes, thinking and behaviour | Domestic & sexual violence | Education | Employment | Evaluation and effectiveness | Family support | Gambling | Holistic services | Housing & homelessness | Mediation | Mental health | Mentoring & befriending | Sentence management | Peer support | Personal development | Prison reform | Prisons | Probation reform | Race | Relationships | Research & academia | Resettlement | Sex work | Suicide and self-harm | Through the gate | Training | Volunteering
People you work with
Racially minoritised people | Ex-service personnel | Families | Gypsies & Travellers | LGBTQIA+ | Men | People with disabilities | People on a short sentence | People on remand | People convicted of serious offences | People convicted of sexual offences | Victims | Women | Young people
Racially minoritised people specialist services
Black, Black British or Black Welsh | Black, Black British or Black Welsh: Caribbean | Black, Black British, or Black Welsh: African | Dual Heritage | White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Nottingham | Onley | Ranby | Rye Hill | Styal (YOI) | Sudbury