Imagine support service users with dual diagnosis including mental health and substance misuse. We provide employment services for this group. We provide person-centered support for people with mental health and substance misuse issues and offending profiles. We have specialist skills in supporting women and men with mental health needs who have offending histories. Peer Support Workers are employed with substantial lived experience with regard to mental illness and substance misuse. We provide Mentoring Services whereby volunteers (many have lived experience) support service users to expand social networks and engage in mainstream activities. Imagine have substantial experience of providing Accommodation and Floating Support Services for this client group. Our specialised services support women with a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis along with complex mental health needs. We also support men with PD who have been discharged from prison.
Work Tel. No.
0151 709 2366
In Brief
Charity Number
No. of Paid Staff
No. of Volunteers
Does the organisation involve volunteers with experience of the criminal justice system?
Primary Field of Work
Mental health
Custody or Community
Organisation type
Voluntary and Community Sector
London | Redbridge | North West | Merseyside (Met County) | Liverpool | Sefton | St. Helens | Lancashire | Lancaster | Preston | Hyndburn | West Lancashire | Chorley | Burnley | Greater Manchester (Met County) | Manchester | Oldham | Salford | Remote
Fields of Work
Alcohol & drugs | Employment | Housing & homelessness | Lived experience involvement | Lobbying & campaigning | Mental health | Mentoring & befriending | Other | Peer support | Personal development | Sentence management | Social prescribing | Suicide and self-harm | Volunteering
People you work with
Men | Older people | People convicted of serious offences | People convicted of sexual offences | People with disabilities | Women
Probation Areas
Greater Manchester | Merseyside