Arterne CIC is a not for profit community interest company supporting individuals, families, agencies, businesses and communities to thrive. The support we offer is delivered through projects and training that promotes and supports mental health. We focus on reducing anxieties; promote mental health and help to minimise harm people cause to themselves; minimise suicidal ideation and behaviours; provide support for building positive relationships; tackle substance use where is has become problematic or where support for maintaining changes is required; care leaver support; support for people who have accessed the criminal justice system and require support to integrate in the community; support for homelessness issues; help to reduce loneliness and social isolation; help with poverty or financial worries; we want people to thrive and feel like they are achieving positive things; across all age ranges.
c/o The Op Shop,
16 Buckwell Street,
PL1 2DA,
United Kingdom
Work Tel. No.
In Brief
No. of Paid Staff
No. of Volunteers
Does the organisation involve volunteers with experience of the criminal justice system?
Primary Field of Work
Mental health
Custody or Community
Organisation type
Community Interest Company
South West | Plymouth UA | Devon | Cornwall UA | Torbay UA
Fields of Work
Advice & advocacy | Alcohol & drugs | Attitudes, thinking and behaviour | Case management | Collaboration and partnership working | Counselling | Disability | Domestic & sexual violence | Education | Evaluation and effectiveness | Family support | Finance, benefits & debt | Housing & homelessness | Mental health | Mentoring & befriending | Sentence management | Parenting skills | Peer support | Personal development | Physical health | Prisons | Probation reform | Race | Relationships | Resettlement | Lived experience involvement | Sex work | Suicide and self-harm | Training | Volunteering