Beam is a social enterprise that delivers tailored 1-2-1 support to people in prison or on probation to progress them into secure employment and housing.
We work with 35 local authorities nationally and have been commissioned by the DWP across London, in Scotland, and the Midlands. Our proven model - which combines person-centred 1-2-1 support, the lived experience of our caseworkers, and the power of our innovative technology, has enabled 97% of our service users to maintain desistance. Since our founding in 2017, we have supported over 1,000 people to achieve high-quality employment and housing, despite being out of work for 5 years on average. Our comprehensive in-work and tenancy sustainment support has ensured 86% of our service users sustain employment for over 3 months and 96% sustain tenancies for over 6 months.
We work with 35 local authorities nationally and have been commissioned by the DWP across London, in Scotland, and the Midlands. Our proven model - which combines person-centred 1-2-1 support, the lived experience of our caseworkers, and the power of our innovative technology, has enabled 97% of our service users to maintain desistance. Since our founding in 2017, we have supported over 1,000 people to achieve high-quality employment and housing, despite being out of work for 5 years on average. Our comprehensive in-work and tenancy sustainment support has ensured 86% of our service users sustain employment for over 3 months and 96% sustain tenancies for over 6 months.
Gorsuch Place,
E2 8JF,
United Kingdom
Help Line No.
0203 819 3509
Work Tel. No.
0203 819 3509
In Brief
Charity Number
No. of Paid Staff
No. of Volunteers
Does the organisation involve volunteers with experience of the criminal justice system?
Primary Field of Work
Housing & homelessness
Custody or Community
Organisation type
Social Enterprise - non-profit
East | East Midlands | London | South East | North East | North West | South West | Wales | West Midlands | Yorkshire and the Humber | Remote
Fields of Work
Advice & advocacy | Attitudes, thinking and behaviour | Case management | Collaboration and partnership working | Counselling | Disability | Education | Employment | Family support | Finance, benefits & debt | Holistic services | Housing & homelessness | Mental health | Mentoring & befriending | Sentence management | Peer support | Personal development | Physical health | Prisons | Race | Resettlement | Through the gate | Training